Our company organizes highly successful tournaments with the participation of associations and clubs from different parts of Greece and Europe as well! Athletes of all ages take part in the matches and gain valuable sports experiences. Base Line Events aim to combine high competition with the promotion of the value of sports, kindly and healthily, without winners or losers!



Promoting and increasing recognition of basketball and stressing the importance of sports for both physical and mental health.


Increased numbers of visitors – Boosting local market during the event. In particular, it is estimated that, apart from athletes and coaches/trainers of the teams, the groups shall be followed by lots of parents and visitors to the games.


Competition benefits for local basketball clubs, accompanied by parallel activities so that young athletes can be provided with experiences, motives and matches valuable for their future and their improvement at both personal and team level.


Promoting the club and the event through targeted advertising and continuous posts in social media and the top sport sites of our country!